Introducing the Wellbeing Series

With staff wellbeing at the top of many agendas right now the Emailogic team have considered how we can help our customers more. For over 20 years we have been helping reduce stress and improve wellbeing in well over 1000 organisations by helping people manage their email more effectively – this has been measured and proven by ourselves, our customers and independent academic research.

In the past year we have found ourselves working with many new customers teaching them how to design and deliver high quality virtual sessions. These sessions have been delivered to trainers (internal training teams, training companies and independents), keynote speakers, consultants, barristers, senior executives and even the audit department of a global bank.

During this time, we have had the pleasure to work with many renowned wellbeing experts. We have partnered with three of them, all experts in their field and highly experienced international keynote speakers, together we are offering a series of 8 sessions covering Health, Happiness and Wellbeing.

Going from coping to striving and succeeding, having productive wellbeing conversations with your team, understanding what nutritionally can help you feel more alert and less stressed….

The speakers are Dr Adam Cunliffe (RNutr), Jon Bockelmann-Evans and Heather Beach. The sessions we are offering with them are:

Health Expert - Dr Adam Cunliffe
How to Live to be 100
- Food, Mood and Cognitive function

Happy Expert - Jon Bocklemann-Evans
- COPE Happy
- THRIVE Happy

Wellbeing Expert - Heather Beach
- Preventing and managing burnout
- Managing workplace stress, uncertainty and worry
- Managing wellbeing conversations in the workplace

You can experience part of the series by attending an exclusive demonstration on 21st July, Jon Bocklemann will be joining us to give a taster of his COPE, THRIVE and SUCCEED courses.

To join us and find out more about The Wellbeing Series and how it can benefit our organisation, call us +44 (0)1452 886556, email or register your interest.

AutumnKelly Meadows