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Feel the Fear and do the Webinar anyway

Most businesses would be thrilled if some of their staff, senior managers and directors, were able to deliver live knowledge sharing ‘value add’ webinars for their customers, potential customers or membership. These live virtual sessions could focus on sharing unique information, introducing talks by recognised experts or facilitating discussions on relevant topics and current hot issues.

 Besides adding value through networking and providing relevant information on critical up to date issues, live webinars provide an additional very accessible route to market. They can build your organisational profile, build credibility in your sector and lead to highly beneficial ‘long tail sales’.

 Let’s face it, for inexperienced webinar facilitators the common barrier is that delivering live virtual sessions to your customer base is VERY SCARY INDEED! Particularly if you have not delivered that type of live virtual customer event before.

There are so many unknowns:

How do I manage a live virtual group of strangers?

What happens if no one engages and there is a sea of silence?

How do you work the technology, particularly when you are terrified?

How can I make sure it is interesting and provides enough value?

What if it doesn’t work and I do more harm than good?


The one thing that makes all the difference is confidence with:

·       managing the virtual environment

·       live virtual facilitation skills

·       the technology

·       getting interaction and keeping people engaged

·       how to design relevant content that will work for virtual sessions


Emailogic have been designing and delivering marketing webinars for 15 years and teaching other organisations how to do the same. We have learnt over time that it is all about confidence. To be confident to design and deliver a successful live marketing webinar you need to know: 

·       How to identify valuable topics and issues of current relevance to your customer audience

·       How to curate and market stimulating webinar events with guest speakers

·       How to design and plan resilient, engaging, interactive and entertaining live virtual sessions

·       How to avoid all the pitfalls of virtual delivery to be an excellent virtual facilitator


Whilst this may seem like a tall order, the skills and awareness required are very straightforward. It is so important to remember – it is all common sense, but not common practice.

 Remember these are largely new skills - as a species we have been communicating together for over half a million years, but most of us have only been communicating virtually with live video for less than 3 years. We still have a lot to learn about how to manage a virtual group effectively when they are both disparate and electronically constrained.

 ‘How to feel the fear and do the webinar anyway’ is a unique training programme that will give your key people and subject matter experts the confidence and skills to choose the best topics and expertly arrange engaging, interactive customer focused sessions. They will become confident in effectively curating and facilitating valuable knowledge sharing, which will demonstrate your organisation’s credibility and improve brand awareness.

 Ultimately, they will be able to add quality to your customer proposition and market that has not been available before. This means your customers will experience your organisation giving them healthy new streams of clear business benefits.

 To find out more about how the course can help your organisation please click here email or call a member of our friendly team +44 (0)203 154 6611.