Emotional Intelligence - are you using yours in the workplace?

We can no longer claim to be in the dark about our ‘Emotional Intelligence’ after such a seismic change in pre and post Covid working situations.

Workplaces need to make smarter, better choices to be more productive and, on a human level, to encourage every person to be the best colleague and member of society they can be.

Howard Gardner’s ‘Theory of Multiple Intelligences’ suggests there are eight different intelligences that people possess to a greater or lesser extent.

For example, a person who shows particular flair in relation to anything music-related can be classed as having ‘Musical Intelligence’ or someone with a real affinity for nature and the world around them could be defined as having high ‘Naturalist Intelligence’.

When looking at emotional intelligence in the workplace , the two related intelligences to focus from Gardner’s theory are ‘Intra Personal’ and ‘Inter Personal’.

How we regulate and review our own emotions and reactions is known as Intra Personal intelligence, while how we choose to communicate and respond to other people is Inter Personal intelligence.

How often do you really think about or address your behaviour and reactions in the workplace?

Learning about Emotional Intelligence will give you the best tools to have meaningful constructive interactions, not only professionally but also personally.

Call one of our friendly team to find out more on +44 (0) 1452 886 556 or email enquiries@emailogic.com.